On February 6, 2025, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, the third info session of the Connecting Spheres call for porposals will be held online. The info session will be exclusively dedicated to Stream 3: strengthening the development and implementation of national and international legislation on gender-based violence and related procedure.
The info session is designed for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Italy and other European Countries that work in preventing and combating violence against LGBTQIA+ people, and that intend to submit a project proposal throught the Connecting Spheres call for proposals.
During the meeting, in addition to the presentation of the Stream 3 details, a networking session and a Q&A session will be included to provide clarifications on the requirements and terms of participation.
To participate, please register here =>> Registrazione – Registration form – 3°Infosession