Connecting Spheres


Strengthening Civil Society Organisations and networks to protect gender-based violence survivors, in all their diversity.

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The action

The Connecting Spheres action aims to promote a more equal society in Italy and Europe, where LGBTQIA+ people can live free from violence in all spheres of life.

Intervista a un attivista LGBT durante un evento pubblico.

About us

Oxfam Italia, Oxfam Italia Intercultura and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini as partners of the Connecting Spheres action bring together their expertise and long-standing experience to contribute to the elimination of gender-based violence, eradicate the behaviours and social norms that persist in the discrimination and abuse of girls, women and LGBTQIA+ people, and work together to develop a culture of respect.

Call for proposals!

The Connecting Spheres action supports grass-rooted Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Italy and at least in 3 other European countries, engaged in preventing and responding to gender identity-based violence and discrimination suffered by LGBTQIA+ people. The action envisages financial and technical support for at least 30 small and medium organisations, for a total of 1 million euro, through a call for proposals to be launched in September 2024 and opened for one year.

News e Eventi

In questa sezione troverai tutti gli aggiornamenti, novità ed eventi organizzati dell’azione Connecting Spheres.

Tutte le news e gli eventi


To report eventual abuses, as fraud, corruption and safeguarding cases related to the project, Oxfam Italy put at disposal its own channels at Clear guidelines and informative sessions will be provided to report possible cases.


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logo oxfam italia intercultura
logo fondazione giacomo brodolini
Primo piano del volto di un uomo LGBT

For more information on the Connecting Spheres action and the call of proposals

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    This web page has been produced with the financial contribution of the European Commission; the responsibility for the content of this web page lies solely with the Partner/Affiliated Entity (indicate the Partner/Affiliated Entity’s name) and in no way reflects the official views of the European Commission.

    This project is funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme – 2023 DAPHNE 

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